Bloody hell how time flies! To all the old sweats and new kidz on the block your doing a bloody difficult and hard job out there in Iraq - Stick to it and don't let them grind you down, You all need medals.
More to the point, where are the likes of Sid syddall, Marc Penson,Kenny Edge,i see Snips is now a Sgt, and i saw Shane Willoughby on Panorama (Get better soon) Where has Baz Dallard gone, and Fozzy Fozzard?CSGT Steve Brett still in there.
I often see sightings of serving members in the photo album.
Sorry for not getting in touch sooner! I'm working flat out........It's a 1st i know! Did you get to meet snips? Bloody Hell that was a bolt out of the blue ref: Paul Harding (R.I.P.) If you want to get in touch email Bill what are you doing these days???