Alright all, been remembering the old times in 3plt A coy 3 batt, andy stead, lofty language, kev tilley, to name a few would be good to meet up and have a pint or two, get in touch.
Hi Groover Remember me Zippy Nolan joined A coy just after Derry '78 and was in Angel Browns plt. Met up with Lofty Langridge a few years ago and he has'nt changed a bit!!!!! Tried to get him to go to one of the reunions but he never seemed to get the time as he was always away doing cricket stuff! Heard George Luker was about on the website too. Been to a few reunions now met up with Tony Hutch, Matty Matson, Robbo Robson, Steve Barrett and Smudge, but when the beers start kicking in all the other names and faces become a bit fuzzy!!!!! Had Ace Carrol ( A Coy - Cyprus) and his other half up for the weekend talking about the good old days and it seemed like only yesterday that we were both on guard duty Oakington Barracks? Got married for the FIRST! time in 2003 and have a little 4 year old boy, I always was a late starter in life! Poor old Simmo passed away recently, really wished I could've made his funeral. He really looked after us in Derry especially when Lofty, Kev Downs and scouser all came in off the razzle one night and decided to crash out on my pit with me in it still!!!!! Well Groover hope you get some more of the old A Coy guys dropping you a line and hope to see you at the reunion next year?
zippy, good to hear from you, downloaded some of your photos from the website of 3 pltn in derry. The only person i got in touch with a few years back was andy stead, he never changed either. I live and work in kent now, keep meaning to go to the reunions what about the remembrance do you go to that. Be good to meet up and have a few beers.
That'll be great mate! Heres my e mail address : Living in Medway now, hows about you? Have missed the last couple of reunions due to work commitments but will be at the 2008 reunion! Bumped into 'Bo' Handleys son whilst working, think he lives out in Kent somewhere too. Take care Groover and see you soon mate - Zippy
hi groover, hope you are well, they were good days, do you remember steady playing machine gun record over the net ? all the best kev tilley ps quacky quacky