Harry boy I remember you well- stickman every time in Oakington so you never did a guard and then in Celle, you ran R Coy as a certain CSM had taken too many punches to his head during his boxing career Rossy
How the devil are you? it seems like a lieftime ago since we last met, hope everything is ok with you and family. I spoke with Chalkie Parfitt before Christmas, we were reminisceing old times and your name popped up.
It would be nice to hear from you. Don't forget to write a sign company detail for me!
Harminder Singh Bharaj, now there's a mouthful now wonder it got changed to 'Harry'. How are you mate, long time no speak. Please give me a bell (01476) 572751. Hope you can make the reunion. Jess
Hello Harry, Long time! Hope you are well. I left in 1987, moved to Cambridge and still here. dn871054@aol.com Let me know what you are up to. Good to see all the other contacts from the Orderly Room.
Well, seeings how Harry B started this post but hasn't bothered to come back on it, I might as well converse with you!! (Not that you are 2nd best to Harry you understand..... he he he).
How are you Trigger? Hope that you and the family are all well and that life is treating you good (you deserve it because no matter what the others say, I always thought you was a top notch bloke!... joking!) You still doing the gee gee's?
Catch up at a reunion one day trigger, I would enjoy that.