Ken Wharton is the author of this book and a friend of mine. The book was published last month by Helion & Company ( and is a collection of soldiers stories of NI. They are funny, sad,poignant and heart wrenching at times. They tell the story of what it was like for us 'squaddies on the ground' to experience the terrorism, violence, injury, death and heartache of the 38 years of Op Banner. I have contributed two stories and I have read the book and I can say that it is certainly an eye opener and would definately recommend it. The reason for this entry is to inform you that Ken is currently wrtitning a Volume 2 of the book and is extremely keen to hear from soldeirs who have ANY KIND of story to tell. He can be contacted via e-mail (between ken and wharton insert an _ )or his website Give it some though Please and pass the word. Lets tell the world and the politicians what we did and what we put up with, lets tell of the wasted loss of life and those suffering physical and mental pain to this day - LEST WE FORGET - At the going down of the Sun, and in the morning - Thanks
Any Jackets who live in the west Yorkshire area, there is an open day at the Leeds Royal Armouries on Saturday June 14 where I will be signing books; all are welcome.
On June 27, alll Jock Jackets are invited to Blackwells on Friday 27 June at 18:30.
The book features many Jacket stories: Darren Ware, Ken Ambrose, Eddie Bright, Dave Hallam, John Moore, Mike Hewlett, Kev Webster to name a few