Lofty, just seen your photos on Bert's photograph section, It brought back loads of memories of Derry 78/79 tour. Ballooning !! Thanks for one on there of me, Steady (ASROK), Bo Handley and looks like Bob Barrow. sorry can't remember others. Any ideas out there?
How about a get together for a drink from any other old 3plt A coy, I'm just outside London anyone interested let me know, who knows maybe we can recreate the 'ballooning photo' !!
Hi Groover, Yes the the good old days,Left to Right are Bill Handley, Bob Barrow, Platoon Commander, can't remember his name,you, Jonny Clare, Andy Stead.
thanks for the reply, of course Jonny Clare it all come flooding back, unfortuately if you remember I used to carry a camera take loads of photos but gave them to the guys once they were developed hence I don't have that many left, so always good to see. I managed to download the Green mole lot of my photos of A company ended up in there.
Hi Groover, Yes it would be great to see you again after all these years, 28 years in fact !! If you go to The Riflemans Rest area, I will leave my mobile number on there tomorrow. All the best Lofty.