I am looking for help in identifying an ancestor ( I think) of whom I have a portrait. I am fairly certain that the painting is of St. Lucia in the West Indies and I think sometime in the 18th or very early 19th Century. I have asked the Army Museum if they can identify the regiment from the uniform but they have been unable to help.
It occurred to me that there might be someone in the association who could help.
I would be very grateful for an identification or any suggestions as to how I might make progress in getting a closer date or a regimental identification.
I have a photograph but am unable to attach or post it to the message. But I will send it, to anyone who may have a thought, by e mail or post.
The Oxfordshire Regiment - 52nd of Foot were stationed on St Lucia for quite a time.. If you would like to contact me on greenjackets_2001@yahoo.co.uk ..for address contacts, as I would like to have a look at the photograph. Regards Mark DWM