I am the daughter of Paul Dixon i am trying to locate him or info on him as i havnt seen him since the age of 5 yrs old. His regimental number was 24252649 and he served from 1971 to 1979. He was in Celle.
Someone has provided me with a picture of who he thinks is Paul Dixon can recognise him and confirm that the photograph here is Paul Dixon? Do you know? or have you seen him recently?
I can confirm to you that the photo you have is Paul Dixon who was in the 1st Bn Royal Green Jackets that picture was taken in Hong Kong Paul used to play football in the battalion team (He was a very good player) I think when we were posted to Dover that Paul played football for "Dover" as a semi professional..
Thanks for your reply,i am Yvonne the daughter of Paul,ive been looking for dad for years if you can please give me any more information about him,i would be very grateful,anything at all,did you serve with him in Celle Germany etc,did you know his girlfriend at the time which is my mother Donate Nickel,my stepfather was also in the army you may of known him James Meikleham.Ive been known by many different names because of my natural father Dixon,my stepfather Meikleham and also my mothers maiden names nickel and graham,its a long story but basically i am trying to locate my dad even if to see him for a moment at least i would of known him,according to his birth certificate he was born in Warrington and also possibly links to Bolton,if you know any more about him please let me know,was he a decent person in character etc,did he ever mention courting somebody called donate etc.His name is on my birth certificate as the natural father,you are the third person to confirm that this is him.I have had this ad placed on the RGJ as a favour from the database manager as i didnt serve in the unit i cannot be a part of it,if for some reason you cannot reply directly to this email i would appreciate it if you could send me any information about my dad to
Thankyou very much for taking the time to reply to the post,i am now beginning to get a picture of my past life,thanks Yvonne.
I was serving in Celle at the same time as Paul, Unfortunatley I didn't know your Father. All I can say is - If he was in the Regiment he must have been a good bloke. Have you tried looking for him by puting something on Facebook - I found old mates through facebook that I haven't spoken too for over 30 years.
Just type into the Facebook search box - Royal Green Jackets and you will be able to see many many names and when you put your Profile on there you will get a response.