This is a simple Bulletin Board which allows you to make entries without the need to log in or even leave your name. However on a Contacts Board that would make leaving a message a touch pointless so please at least leave a reference of some sort. Be careful about leaving your email address because as you may know that can attract spam or rubbish mail from every advertiser on the net.
The original idea of using a common Guestbook type layout for Contacts has had to be scrapped because under that system there would be no facility for developing message threads. This system allows you to separate every entry topic into its own section and will therefore make subjects easier to follow and find. To post to an existing thread all you need do is click on the `Reply` button on the top right of this page.
You will also find that this BB has some additional advantages such as allowing you to edit and/or delete your own entries up to 24 hours after posting. There is also a vast array of emoticons to choose from. Simply copy and paste the text from the selection to have it appear on your message. You can also insert a web link to any page you choose.
If you are looking to make contact with someone the easiest way would be to become a full member of the Association. This would enable you to access and search the Association database which currently contains the contact details for well over 6000 former Green Jackets. You can sign up over the phone using a debit or crdit card by contacting Mike Marr, the membership secretary on 01235 548018 9am-5pm Monday to Friday.
We hope you find this bulletin board a useful addition to the web site.
Best wishes
Ken Ambrose Internet Branch Royal Green Jackets Regimental Association