I didn't get a chance to say much when I last saw you at the funeral, 'too much ****e to talk and too little time to do it in'. But you looked ok for an old bastard!
I can't remember whether you said you were living in Liverpool or not, if you are, we should get out for a pint sometime.
Glad to see you are still about. We should all get together in Liverpool one night. I am well up for it. Can't be arsed with them re-unions though. Get in touch.
How are you? We were in HongKong 7plt. Hope you remember me we had such a laugh up on the border. Are you in touch with the Hartles brothers, ken routledge went to the R.E.M.E. I saw Terry Irvine briefly, out side the westgate in winchester .He looks just as young as i remembered him. he's now FIFTY, so he told me twice. seeing your name brought back a few memories of the good times i had during my short time (5yrs) as a Rifleman. Drop me a line. axtell@hotmail.co.uk
hi linz havent seen you scince your party at everton, hope your ok and still working. i have got the computer fixed at last and my e-mail is BanSreynolds@virginmedia.com if you want to drop me a line steve (scouse).