I was reading through the contacts and came across your email.
I am not sure if you remember me, but I was with 1 RGJ when you came over to the 1st from the 3rd. At the time I was a PTI (tall skinny, a bit of a runner) tried a bit of boxing, but got knocked on my arse in the Battalion finals.
Pleased to see you are well, I am living in California USA and have been for the past 12 years. Life is as good as it gets. I hope you had a great Crimbo? The next time you see Joey and Larry say hi, I would not be surprised if they did not remember me though.
Great to hear that you are still going kiddo. It is funny on here. Getting to hear from people you thought were well dead. I have spoken to Jake a few times and Rocky Arnott. Seen Brian Ewing a couple of times. See a lot of Joe Simpson when I am in Liverpool. Get in touch my e mail address is on here.