Do you know anything at all about him - his age, where he lives, which Battalion he was in, what was his Rank, where he served?
Any of this might be useful because the Royal Green Jackets were from 1st January 1966 til 1st February 2007 which means MANY THOUSANDS of men passed through the Regiments during that time!
All I know is that the lad in the next bed to him was called Smudger and he had black hair. They would both have passed out together but Smudge caught flat feet at Browndown and was discharged after two weeks.
I think he was about 18 when he joined up and a bit older when he left.
I do know that he often talked about yellow dusters so it was around the time that they sold them in the NAAFI.
Mental, if this isn't a wind up, then I'm chinese Albert from Berkhampstead.
Reminds me of the time in 1969, en route to Libya, Glen Harrison, Stan Branch and I were downtown Valetta on Malta.... some dippy Brit bint on her hols, seeing us in uniform pipes up ... 'do you know brian? He's in the paras' ....