I put a post on here a couple of years ago looking for Vic and Debbie. We were friends of theirs for many years, but lost contact when he went to Warminster in the early 80s, which was just prior to his discharge. Any information you have about them and the girls would be great.
I tried the number, and left a msg with my phone number. I live in France but here is my e mail: terry.bush3@btopenworld.com. I will try your number again, later in the day, if I dont hear from you.
I went through training with Vic in Winchester during 1972. He was in my section and was one of the characters of 8 Platoon Training Company. I also served with him in both Celle Germany and Dover, although we were not any longer in the same company. When we arrived in Germany in December 1972 the BN had just finished a tour of N. Ireland and as we were the new arrivals, 9 of us were left on rear party all through Christmas and New Year while the lads on the tour took some hard earned leave. If you go on the photo pages of the Green Jacket web site look for passing out parade November 1972 you will see Vic in the line up with the rest of 8 Platoon. Some of the other antics of Vics service record are best not repeated on this open forum, as I said he was a great character.
Tell him BS said Hello. Ask him if the MO ever got his Mini back. Surprised MCTC kept him in, as i remenber Celle and Dover failed to do that. Should of been called Houdini Perry.
We passed out and were on rear party together in Celle Christmas 1972 as follows.......................
..Vic Perry...(me)Brian S....Spider Johnson........Geordie Tooling......GaryRandall.....Mick Sweeney.....Eddie Edwards.....Bryant(can not remember first name......Stan(can not remember last name).AS I recall Sergeant Scott (Scottie) was in charge of the rear party.
Ex RFN Brian Shanahan at your service. To think I bought you a drink once in Winchester, I bet you forgot to buy a round that night as well. You got to sort that memory out mate. More beer I suggest. All the best Vic, I, am off for two weeks leave come Monday so wont be on here for a while. Keep it Black and Green and Swift and Bold.