Sjt Brown ( Ginge) (orig 1RGJ but til you was My plt Sjt only knew you by sight/name)
Sjt Cutler - best Plt Sjt ( soz Ginge ) I had the pleasure to serve with.. Heard You made RSM ( nice one Rob) Scailing the phan with you was awsome, sorry I F*** up later
Major Gladstone - one of the best officers I had the pleasure to serve with.. again, sorry I F*** up later
Rob Thompson - best Plt comander/rfn - You made General yet???
Toby - Anti tank or mortars officer and top rfn
CSM Varney - thanks for the suport in Norway... Otherwise it could have been us going Glug, glug...
Cpl Dave Jellife - Badminton doubles partner 'undefeated' Aucnacloy and Ufc training was a blast
Theres obviously others who will come to my mind, but these are the guys of the bit of grey I still got intact, anyone who has Knowledge or if your listed, I'd love to chat
Thanks to the RGJ board Administrators for keeping it going
Ken A? where/Are you the Admin Guy for this Site when I first found it, a few years back.... and is this RGJ member thing 'safe!!' as in secure ( not G4 Insecure!!!)
2 things to ask....
1)Why Ken A, and not your full name, and if it's supposed to make you annoymous, why not - A Ken ....
2)How'd I join this RGJ member then? or did/have I already?
Anyway back to the olyp tennis - mintys winning...