Got a letter from Local library, saying a Cd is late. I know It went back, They have been told it went back, but they still say I got It, but My wife and step daughter took it back on the way to get Her new Glasses. This is about the Forth time this year this has happened, last time it was Fines for late books/cd's that I paid - a week later, when I went to get a book, they asked Me to pay the Same fine Again....
Do I involve the Police? Library is Main Town big 'en - and have cctv - how long do they have to hold image/tape for etc
cctv - how long do they have to hold image/tape for etc
Almost all libraries have a Policy and Procedure for dealing with disputed fines. You should as for a copy, and it is likely to have a section telling you how to make a dispute and what information you must provide. As far as CCTV is concerned every person in England and Wales has the right to access images of themselves which may have been recorded by a CCTV camera system. The Data Protection Act 1998 ensures that all public bodies such as local councils are required to make any personal data available to them if requested. Personal data is defined by the Data Protection Act as information that relates to an individual and is held by the public body this includes cctv images. If an individual wishes to be provided with access to CCTV footage of themselves from a public body they should make a written request to the owner of the CCT system. The details of the owner of the CCTV system will usually be written on a sign which is attached to the camera. Certain and full information will need to be provided to the owner of the CCTV system in order for them to identify an individual. For example the following information must usually be provided: The date, the approximate time, a description of the persons appearance, a description of the clothes the person was wearing.You may have to pay a fee of around £10.When a public body is contacted in relation to footage which they hold over a certain individual they must supply a copy of the images within 40 days. This is a requirement under the Data Protection Act.
There is no legal definition of the minimum or maximum length of time for CCTV images to be retained. The Information Commissioner states that the images should be retained only for as long as they are required. It follows that it depends entirely on the purpose of the CCTV. The Public Library or Council will have an employee called the Data Controller who is required to produce policies on a whole range of Data Protection Act requirements for operating CCTV. You should ask how long the images are retained for - non one will try to hoodwink you on this as these issues are pretty much above the board these days. The information desk at the Library should be aware of the relevant policies. Basically, I would think that the images would only be retained for about a month - but they might be downloaded onto a mainframe - it all depends on the intended use. What I would suggest you do is to write an appeal against the fine, outlining your reasons and asking for the matter to considered at a higher level.
If it is of any help, you could use the template below to make an appeal to the Cheif Librarian. You might also attach a statement by the two people who took the CD back in order to support your appeal. Also, they cannot fine you more than the replacement cost of the item (check it out on ebay - might be cheaper if you do not win the appeal). You could also add information that would help to identify the two people on CCTV. Good Luck
Name Address
Dear Head Librarian
I am writing about a fine imposed for the non return of xxxxxxxx.The fine is dated dd/mm/yyyy and amounts to £xx.I arranged for the return of the above item by xxxxxxxx who was accompanied by xxxxxxxx on dd/mm/yyyy at approximately (time).Both of these individuals can confirm that the item was returned on that occasion.
Therefore, I request that you reconsider the imposition of the fine. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.Thank you for your time and for your help in this matter.
Hi Guys, I started this, so I'll finish it, as it's been resolved... no more arseing about... They cleaned up my account.
But unless they Caught the toerag who's been doing it they gonna get same problem again, just better not be me again!!! I Liked the sand bag comment, Those where the days, Acting Training platoon