I was browsing the Assn contact board, the name Norman Hewett rings a bell-along with the other's mentioned.
I was 1st Bn at Winchester in 52 having just become a Rifleman !!
in the Draft about to fly to Malaya, without going into details,I did make it to KL for Christmas football final -was posted to the MMG pln. under sgt George.--contack me on the rgj website.
I'm in touch with an old soldier who served in Kenya at the same time as myself, although we did not know each other we have kept in touch by letter as he is not on the web.I sent him the names that you listed on your site.He wrote back excitedly that Ron Cable was in his platoon he also knows Bert Collier He himself was know as" Bugs "He's name is Colin Burdon.At the present time he is very ill with big "C' and really would appreciate making contact with his old muckers .