Scarf and I would like to thank everyone for the massive response from members of the RGJ association and other Light Infantry Associations to our appeal for a memorial to the Ox and Bucks at the National Memorial Arboretum. Due to this response we are now designing a memorial, which will consist of 3 gliders in D. Day colours spiralling down from the sky. This will sit on top of a 7 foot metal post, which is already in place. Due credit will be given to all those who landed by glider during WW2 and information panels will tell the story.
We just need every supporter of this marvellous project to pass the word. Scarf and I have been talking about this for ten years since we planted the original trees in a semi-circle right by the railway viaduct, the River Tame and a lake. We are hoping to complete this in 2013 ready for a 70th Anniversary dedication on 6th June 2014. Hopefully just after midnight in the Allied Special Forces Memorial Grove at the Arboretum.
If anyone wishes to find out more or visit the Grove then please call me on 07929-118598.