My father was a boy soldier in the Royal Green Jackets - Junior Riflemen. It's coming up to his 60th birthday and on a hunt for photographs from that time he discovered that his stepfather had thrown out the photos of him in uniform and the video that they had taken of his passing out parade. He is understandably upset about this - I have found one photo from June 1969 (below) - my father is third row up, third one in from the right. His name was James Stephen Kirk, though he may have been known by his stepfather's name by this time, so James Stephen Kirk Bright.
I know it's a long shot but if anyone possibly remembers him, or knows others who would have trained with him, and has any photos/video from that time that he might feature in, I would love to see them and it would mean so much to him as well.
Any advice on where I might be able to find more from military archives etc. would also be greatly appreciated.