I know I'm replying to a very old post...but thought it might interest some bods.
Was watching the Above & Beyond ITV series on the Yesterday channel, and afterwards had a look online for more info. This post, one on a Coldstreamers board, and a youtube clip from an episode on Iraq, were the only things I found. So in case anybody reads this (also posted on the other board):
According to Yesterday's listings it'll be on the box again next week Wed 17th Jul @0230, and a fortnight later on Sat 3rd Aug @0615 - probably available online again afterwards.
Got a lot of respect for those sent to far (and not so far)-away places; their stories should be more widely known, instead of being brushed under the political carpet of convenience.
Dan Ware wrote (Jul 15, 2008):
ITV in the Granada region are airing a series of documentaries about several conflicts since WW2 which commence Thurs 24th July at 11pm on ITV. They concentrate on soldiers who have gone 'above and beyond' the call of duty under varioues circumstances. There is one programme about Northern Ireland which will be aired on Thurs 7th Aug at 11pm on ITV 1. This one featured a couple of ex Green Jackets. The programme went out in Central region last Friday and will only go out in these two regions, I believe. However if you would like to see it then go onto ITV.com and search for Above and Beyond under programmes and click the NI one. Enjoy it and pause for a little thought for our friends who never came back and for those with permanent physical and emotional scars - Swift and Bold