To any old mates who have suvived the past 40 odd years, anyone who remembers Training ie Bob Warman, Mick Lacy, our section CPL Diamond good name he was hard! semengo Jungle Taining School, Staas ? I came away with a lot of respect for Ferrets, Mr Berreford and of course who could forget Mr Attwater when he decided to use a Battery shaver at 4AM while in an harbour area, and had it taken away by our section CPL Paddy ? who can help me with this one?
Berlin(Rockinghorse) RSM Honblower no one could put it over on him he spotted me leaving the NAAFI shop not wearing Gaters from about 100 MTRS away and it was dark and raining ,Mr Attwater and an early morning parade in January at Montgomery Barracks, when his mess tins put on in a hurry did not stand up to the CSM'S scrutiny(on upside down) fell to the ground with a clatter and a few laughs from the ranks,
Winchester 1966 CPL Gerry(Brummie) Westwood KRR'S(2RGJ) Thanks for the help advice and Chest expanders, still got them (ha ha )
It would be great to hear from anyone from this era.
Hi Scouse, Yes, I was in Berlin December 65 direct from Winchester. I went ito B Coy the bottom end of Montgomory Bks.
In Cyprus I was the COs Batman living in the bungalow/shack just inside the entrance of Polomedia Camp (ok,somebody had to do the job} my brother is Tony Liggins still serving at Oxford 41 years UG
I now have a house in Cyprus and spend as much time as I can relaxing in the sun. Dont exspect you will remember this little Nig? Working at LHA for BAA
joined the regiment in 65 was at the depot until 66 then Berlin/cyprus you know the rest remember you with sir frank in cyprus at khitima you were the only one with a company car, you probably wont remember me bob beesley anti tanks, regards mate
Hi Bob, Yes, I remember you, how are you? It has taken some time, I know, from the time you answered my log on this site, sorry. How is life treeting you, what part of the country do you live? do you get to the re-unions? my E-mail is give me a call
I remember you in malaysia and Berlin I was in C company nice to hear that your ok if you remember neil norrie & jimmy nutting both geordies they have both past away neil often talked about you