Hi mate good to see your still around, also saw some entries from Al, please give him my best when next you meet up.
Leo is now reciding in good old Warminster, in fact there are many of the old 2nd living here. Me, Leo and Crashby all live on the same street, its like being back in MQ's. Danny Hunt and Tommy Byrne live just around the corner. Dick Lettington, Gary Byrne, Bob Maddocks, Mac McCoy, Owen Davis and Bob Holcombe are all here, we meet up every 3 months at the local Conservative Club for our branch nights, swing the light and mull over old times.
I'll give Leo a call and let him know you were asking after him.
Hello baby, how's yer parts? As Dave said I am in sunny Warminster with many of our crew and it is great, just like home.
Me and Paula are divorced now and I have remarried to Gwyneth, we first met at the tender age of 14 in 1969.
Keep expecting to see you at one of the reunions, many ask after you John Salter, Colin Beddon and many more like Paul Harding who don't give a **** as to how are just so long as you ain't near his sister he he. My e mail is glm1114@btinternet.com don't be shy look forward to hearing from you, got 20 odd years of catch up to do.
Your disquise will be at Customer Information, I tried the black mistoush but it did not work. So use the grey one with the horn rimmed glasses, you might get away with it this time. Hope to see or hear from you soon, Colin & Marilyn Bedden