7 plt b coy you me john moody titch harding shared a room at one time area cleaning by the cookhouse like grounghog day (here we are again) getting drunk in central you burning the name on your tattoo off havn,t been to a reunion since theearly 90s all the best
Hi John, Good to hear from you. I will be going to winchester this year,it would be great to see you again. I have photos of us in the china fleet club and with john and titch in stanly fort. i do remember the drinking in the vic, i just cant remember how we ever got back to camp.
Contact me on axtell-@hotmail.co.uk and we can sort out meeting up.( contact me any way.)
i drink with smudger 84, ex-recce plt he remembers everybody in HK. my memory gets better when i am p***ed. which is the state most of us where in lol. i spoke to col johnson after the service for our old co col jones and he spoke fondly of a couple of guys, ginger dixon and killer hayley. what plt was chris in? the name rings a bell, yours too?
Hi dave i contacted smudger he says he knows you both and sends his regards. we are going to the reunion at slade brks in oxford see you there if you get chance to go. regards Paul
good to see so many faces from hong kong in oxford. i even got to speak to ray aston on the phone who is living in dover. thanks tony for the number. Vash it was good to chat,i will contact you soon. lester came down from Derby and stayed over for the service in aylesbury.many went to wilf minns until 4am.there needs to be an effort from all to go to the next reunion it looks like the only way the regiment will stay alive.