johno,and anyone who might be interested .I am going to organize a team to do the three peaks challenge.If you dont know its ben nevis,scaffell pike and snowdon in twenty four hours.Teams would be 4 to 6 men strong,but i suppose we could enter more than one team.I also want the team to be made up obviously of ROYAL GREEN JACKETS. And all funds raised would go to the British Legion.Let me know if your interested, Cheers!
Come on there must be some X Green Jackets out there that could do with a challenge and for a good cause.I have personally had help from the British Legion and untill that time did not realize what they actually do.Ithink the three peaks would be a great way to raise some cash.Ideally as i said before a minimum of four people would be good.I hope to organize this challenge for may/june 2008.I could gather a team of any old bods,civvie mates etc but that dont seem right.So come on ,lets hear from you,if your fit enough to walk up three mountains in 24 hrs.
I did it a while back mate, good little tester mate, I'm up for it mate, (as long as there are some canadians to get amongst on the way up and down). I'm hopefully gonna see you next week at re-union, we may be able to get a few takers from the outfit that I work with. They're mostly ex squads and it's a good cause.
Hi, ex 3RGJ, I'm up for that! Need some motivation to lose the lard. Great incentive. If you can give me the details on that would be great and I'll be at the Reunion on Saturday. Look for the big fat lad with a pint of Guinness!!!!!!!!!!!
johno, dont know if you went to reunion. Im affraid I couldnt make it which you will know if you was there. Any way, I would really appreciate it if you could let me know if your still interested in the three peaks. Its not a problem if you cant make it but if you are still interested I have some information for you.It would be great to have you in the team especially as you have done it before. Hope to hear from you soon. My E-Mail is:
How are you doing, hope this is the right Dave Johnson or I will feel a right burke; Pegasus Platoon 1984. My e-mail is