sammy you wrote on a notice board a few weeks back,are you the one that went sailing with me,del fairs,binny fowler,cotty and ginger platty,we went round the med on the rct boat,all we did was sunbath and swim of the back of the boat,sot a picture of del fairs ****ting his and and throwing it at binny who was in the water swimming hahahah get in touch matey,oh yeh also got photo of us all in moroco walking down a street cheers dog
sammy you'll have to send me your email address,i'll see if i can scan them and send them to you,i still remember like it was yesterday,all we did was get pissed,can you remember when del came back with the stool and told the rct bloke he won it in a raffle,ha ha ha,not one us passed the sailing course,and i spent 1200 quid on dodgy cashmeire carpets,what a week that was,great to hear from you get in touch soon mate dog