Hi Westy, no they defo dont. Yeah i'm good thanxs m8, how you and fam are well? Bones you talking about brian being a punk, i remember you in cambridge with your burgundy suit trying to be a (new Romantic)
Work they don't pay enough for me to work, I keep going back to Oakington Ord Room when paper and rubber bands were the speciality of the day. How can you call me a new romantic with a half inch skinhead, boots and jeans with a flying jacket.
Anyway Trigger when is the pissup, sorry gathering of the pens
Harry, just spat my coffee all over the screen, you ****. Bones as a new romantic??? Ballistics as a punk was pretty mind bending but that beats the lot. Funny as.
Family fine ta. Now a Grandad to 3. I don't suppose you know that my wife died 3 years ago, and am now footloose and fancy free. Working my way through the middle aged women of Hampshire at the moment and that's why I don't need Bones spilling the beans lol.
Cheers lads. Anyhoo - I will be at Winch as usual. Normally found amongst the 3RGJ drinking table inhabited by Messrs Bunn, Mcfall, Burgess, Tyson, Leys, Eustace et all. It's a good afternoon/night. Bring loads of money. Paddington will get them in for you if he is allowed near the bar this year!
I will be making my 1st appearance @ the reunion this year mark, 1st since i left neary 18 yrs ago, goi9ng to have to check my 'rest' days and move them around, so will probably see you there.
Where can one get some digs for the night, cheep as I will only be in the room for a few hours to sleep off any drink before I drive back to Sunny MK, also is it stag!!!
Its not stag at all. Loads of women there. Digs get booked up almost straight after for the following year. Loads of pubs etc do b&b. Or Sid Bunn's where almost half the battalion end up (me and Mo Leys do) and I only live just down the road lol. Tents get pitched up in the car park etc. Kip in the car. Ricky Twohey always comes down from your part of the world as do a million others. Maybe not this year but it might be worth getting touch with someone local to you, share cars, digs etc. I think Balistics lives near you
Anything you want really - there is no strict dress code. Us old and bald still wear our blazers etc. You will see people in jeans and flip flops. We're all civvies now, what can they do to you?
Go on - be brave! I will be wearing one, as will be millions of others. It will be good to see you. It will take you ages to recognise everyone as we have all got really old! And fat! And bald!
I remember Martin's tie - Jinty gave me such a look, I haven't recovered yet lol.
I have no idea how he is or where he is. He sends me the odd jokey email but never answers. Bit like Balistics really. And that long haired buffoon Harry Bharaj. (I'm just jealous Harry)
Better late than never. Count me in. Good to hear the banter and names flying around. I had forgotten the tie, but remember the stare from the ex, then again remember the stare from the 2nd ex - now very happy with wife, two more kids (at school), Martin Jnr in the Scots Guards (I know so no comments), he has three kids and Barbara on "Easy Jet".
did you change your name to "Martin Lile Buron on Trent"? Posh huh? An' I thought Bones was posh for changing his to a double barrelled one! S'later matey!
Now, Now just cos you ant got a posh name it's not our fault, nice to hear your still around Martin, don't forget to bring some money this time, it's your round, all toliets are out of bounds until you have, team please bring camera's so we can record the moment, yes another celle moment when Martin was either scottish or just tight with his money, and that's not an excuse for being married either!!
On the occasions that i do (think), regarding the organising of the pen and rubber band brigade, any suggestions on furthering the net to include former 'chiefs' and 'ORCS', such as mick briggs, don swanson et al?
Harry, roger out. That'll teach him. If memory serves me right, so was Trigger once. Just a little bit of history, I replaced Trigger as QM's Clerk in 1975!!!! John Lane was QM, Ron Cassidy Tech QM. 33 bloody years ago. Young durch now lol