Have noticed that you are not saying anything about how the mighty MK Dons beating Lonely old Peterborough United. Ahh Thats right they didn't did they. UP THE POSH.
Whats worse is that we can't even beat Bournemouth! Grrrr! I can't even fall back on my 50 years of loyal Goonerdom because they can't even beat bloody Sunderland! Huh? Whats with this sick and cruel world?
Anyway, P'borough only won coz u got Fergitson, and his old man has all the refs on his payroll.....
Well, must nip out and sign on before I goto work..... oh no, thats another story...
Good luck with the signing on, What signature are you using this week !!!!! Not worried about Peterborough anyway I am still supporting Good Old Luton Town you know the team the FA are out to kick out of the league.
Luton Town? Blimey, they are playing against my local pub on Sunday! Best of luck mate! Hey, you got more chance of me turning up at Morcombe than Luton staying up.......
Best you don't be driving anything on the Route March to Morecombe, way to many telegraph poles and moped riders on route my old friend! From what I hear, BT are still chasing you for the last Pole of theirs you knocked down! LOL!
It is a well known fact that the telegraph pole that I hit is still there I visit yearly !!!! Peolple do not understand that the Telegraph poles in Borden do jump out at you I just thought that I would hit it first before it got the chance to get me. I paid My £130 for the pole it was the delivery charge to Oakington That was expensive !!!!!
How the smegging hell did we end up on page 7? Especially as we are the 2nd most viewed posting! We should be promoted, and not to lance jack either, I mean to the front page.
Anyone fancy a drink? I guess with the Rednapp news, you are already celebrating uh Westy?
Hya Brian. Theres a long way to go to catch up with my most viewed number on page 43 thanks to my daft daughter Jenna, but she keeps me out of trouble at reunions. I cant make Morcambe tho, dont even know where it is, but certainly London next year. Hi to you as well Tim if your looking in. Hows things, great to keep in touch. Talk later. Cheers, Mark E xxxxxxxxxx
Balistics, I hate the satchel faced twitchy bastard and I hope that Spuds sack him soon. I least the Skates will now go into freefall with Donkey Adams in charge.
Paddington - will pass onto Vic McFall that you don't know where Morecambe is. Prepare yourself for a seriously in-depth map reading lesson lol................
Opps! Looks like satchel face has taken his damned luck with him! Grrrr! As a gooner it ain't no laughing matter! I can't get to Morcombe, as daughter is expecting and will drop anytime now, and I really do mean anytime NOW! Ah, the joys of being a grandparent (8th time around)! Was hoping she would hang on for a couple of months, but no joy there. Also, you need to check your friends reunited.... you can run, but you can't hide mucker! Do you remember that night in Exeter when the Bootnick Marines asked us to leave that night club?
Martin Lile,
Talking of Friends Reunited, how come your picture looks like a 1970s American year book photo???????? Huh? Paddington,
Morecombe, you just need to keep heading north, and to the left a bit, until you run into a bunch of drunken jackets doing the zulu warriier and the dance of the blazing ass hole!
Harry B,
Good to be in touch again - but you do have more grey hair than me!
Trigger Rogers,
Where are you? Page 7 was way to far off the map for you huh?
Do you really live in Milton Keynes? If so, how come I don't hear you singing down at the MK Stadium?
When are you working in MK next? I'll pop along and visit.
Anybody else,
Sorry if I forgot you.. old age creeping up on me! I now attend way to many funerals and not enough marriages! I haven't smoked in over two years, not because I gave up, just that I keep forgetting I smoke.
You tucked up in bed?.... Yea right mate, not unless it was strapped to your back before we used to go out on lash! Mind you, theirs a lot I don't remember about those sessions too lol.
Anyways, we are on page 9 now, so what happens when we go onto page 10? Do the other former combat administrators prepare for counting with the toes?l?
10-4 good buddy and a rubber ducky to the face book gizzmo. Have seen your page but can't work out why you would have a photo of Sven Gonnads Erickson as your profile picture! Having said that, you do have some excellent photos there though Mark, funny trying to put names and memories to the faces!
I knew you weren't working with the Corp of Commissioners, but assumed you were doing similar type work. I too was made redundant, some time ago I hasten to add, from the land of white van work! That hurt, a lot, it was a brilliant job for a brilliant boss with good money and excellent hours but have now ended up working for a bunch of knob jockeys based in Birmingham who run out of Milton Keynes. 7.5 tonne multi drop work. Tis a crap job for toss boss with crap money and diabolical hours but hopefully will start a new job at end of January (hopefully!). So, with you working in Peterborough, I guess you still there then? Hows things with you and the Welch clan?
Brian "Bogey" Ballistics Balicki (Fatboy Slimfast) C'mon u MK Dons
Bogey, MK Dons wern't they called Wimbledon Once, Email me and I'll reply.
Wimbledon? Huh? Oh, you mean that South London team that had no supporters (well, actually 14 did turn up at their last game), no money, no ground, no team and no body who gave a toss about them? You know, the same Wimbledon that Pete Winkleman offered to save but was shot down for it - so he created MK Dons instead! or do you mean Wimbledon AFC? (with the emphasis on amatuer I think!) Anyhows, who gives a crap, we're 2nd in the league and are absolutely rocking! C'mon the mighty Dons! (Oh my God, I just remembered - Tim you poor b'stard, you support Luton Town don't you! Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear)
Yeah That'll be the one. I can see the same happening to the mighty Luton, But never mind when the game with Peterborough is rescheduled let me know if your coming up for it and well meet up and watch them. It's probably better than watching Luton at the moment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is reply 145! Pretty amazing huh? Not only the most viewed thread on the board (except for yours Paddington!) but also the most posted. Nice one Trigger, you certainly started something here.
However, on a different note, I couldn't make it to Johnny Powells send off this morning, which is a shame because I really wanted to say farewell, so if anybody reading this went please let us know how it went. I am sure it was a fine day and that he got the send off he deserved. Great man and a legend in his own lifetime. God bless him.
Hi all. I've just taken a few minutes (hours) reading all your e-mails - and it has just rolled back the years - some of you obviously have better memories than me to recall such events from our past life with 3 RGJ. I know I haven't been in touch with you for some time (less Westy who keeps me up to date with comings and goings - more goings unfortunately!). I will try and get over from Germany (where I've been for over 5 years) in Jul for the next reunion and look forward to seeing you there. I left the Army in Aug 05 as a Major (how did that happen!) and am now a Civil Servant (SO2 G1 Comp) with HQ UKSC(G) in Rheindahlen (work e-mail jim.beazley759@mod.uk). Jim
Have just found this blog, not sure why I have not looked before. Anyone who remembers me is welcome to contact me on brendan_tyrrell@eircom.net I have lived in Ireland for 15 years and sadly have not been to a reunion since.