A bit short notice but Myself, Lofty Langridge and Karl Groover are arranging a curry night out in Welling, Kent towards the end of the month for the old boys from 3 Plt, A Company. Any old boys out there who have a free night drop us a line!!!!!!!!!
hi,my name is george coney,i left 3rgj in1970 and went to 2rgj,lofty was a good friend of mine and id like to get in touch with him again,i tried to ring the mobile No you posted but it never connected,if poss can you pass my No on to him,its 07798905677,many thanks,george
Hello Jeff Well that's a name from the dim and distant past, hope you are well. I have just spoken to Zippy, glad to hear that you can make it at the end of the month. Zippy will give you all the details in a week or so. All the best. Lofty.
Hello Zippy, Lofty and the lads of 3 platoon. It would be great to have a curry and a few beers again. Let me know where and when and I will be there if I can get away from work. Lofty, I hope you havent still got them handcuffs that you used to attach me to a radiator in Londonderry. I can see you attaching me to a lamp-post in Welling. All the best, Mark