Hi Jim, never served in C Coy but did 1988 - 1990 as a Rfn in 15 Plt D Coy then got promoted and served in A Coy 2 Plt as LCpl from 1990 - 1995 then B Coy 6 Plt as Cpl from 1995 - 1997 when I left.. Cheers
Hi jim, I remember you served in 9 plt in 1985 belfast tour in joe shingles brick, and then back to minden. Remember many good nights on the piss in lubecke. If i remember correctly was'unt you ginge vanstone second dad lol. stayed with him and moved 17 plt D coy when we moved to warminster didnt u go to APC Plt ?. Bumped into a few of the lads over the years but be good to all meet up again .
hi jim scouse longy here was in 9plt in minden then apc plt with you in warminster until i moved to mt living the life in oz get on facebook lots of old faces on it
Served with 11 Plt C Coy 1980 - 83. Was Plt Comds driver. Did Tidworth, Westminster Barracks Minden and was with the Int Cell North Howard St Mill along with Sgt Seeney, Darcy Evans and Dave Murray. Can remember big Clem, Stan Bowes (Bowers)? Ken Pettingale? Leon Baker, Shane Donnelly, Andy Larkin, Dovey, Geoff Edwards and could do with a reminder of the rest of the lads from that era. Any help or contacts and photos really appreciated.
yeah those were the days clubbing in lubecke till 7am then toke morrell waking me up at about 9.30 for 25km volksmarch think i helped les bryell one evening in lubecke couple of lads set about him,funny how my memories of the 4 years i served are still so vivid and as for you mr green yes i think i can still picture you