I am looking for Tommy Glasset, Tom Nixon, Harry Upstone, Spider Web, Frankie Flatt all ex 1st Bn 1969 - 1978. Anyone know thier contact information please send it to roy@lrhurley.com Ta very much
Hi Roy Hope life in the USA still suits you. If you hear from Franky Flat or Tommy Nixon please let me know or at least send them my regards.
I last heard of Franky living in Southampton but it was a while ago And Tomy i heard once that he took on a post office in Worcestershire - but Violet Tommy's wife was from NI so they might be there. Looking forward to hearing from them
You still dancing Roy? The occasion of a somewhat mature, but ravishing German lady asking you onto the dance floor in Hamburg, whilst having me babysit her pet pooch is now a time honoured after dinner story in our family. Hope you are well. James (Chalkie) White
Hi Smudger, yes I am still in the states and must admit feel very much at home. I miss the occasional English banter and extracting of the Michael but apart from that life is fantastic. It would be good if any of the afore mentioned geezers would poke their head out of the ground and send a smoke signal or somthing. I have some great memories swimming around my old brain from those bygone days. Stay well. Good to hear from you.
Aah Chalkie my old friend, those were the days. I will not forget my first recce into that wonderful glitzy world of RaperBahn and Herbert Strasse. Ofcourse in the morning it was a total toss pot of a place, but oh my misspent youth, dancing with those wonderful toothless Frauliens. I am surprise I never caught anything! ha, ha!
How are you? I hope well. Life is great when you can reflect and feel full of satisfaction. I would not change one day of my life in green.
Hi roy you may not remember me Iwas in C/coy I know that tommy Glasset is living in milton keynes as we are both members of the same RGJA branch. If you want his Email address then drop me a line at ricktwohey@hotmail.co.uk and I will pass it on to you.