anyone know oggy im sorry i only know his nickname he knew my uncle john robert gilmore and we cant find his contacts and i would also like to know how to get in touch with his old sergent major as he used to visit him alot in his final years, many thanks for your time
Fred I knew oggy but changing the subject a bit do,es the song (On Mother kellys door step ) ring any bells, if it comes to mind you are the Fred that I know, one othere clue Cyprus UN
Fred I knew oggy but changing the subject a bit do,es the song (On Mother kellys door step ) ring any bells, if it comes to mind you are the Fred that I know, one othere clue Cyprus UN
I was with Oggy MacLaughlin in Berlin75/76. Thats when he joined civvy st. Last I heard he still lives in Edwinstowe Notts near his old mate Smudge Smith who was in at the same time. Ask ACE Maclean. They were his storemen. I was A Coy 3RGJ Clerk at the time.......... Martyn Drummond for those that remember me!