My name is Mat Heywood, I am a British journalist and film maker researching the 51st Middle East commandos.
They were a short lived unit (1940 - 41), who were enlisted from the local Arab and Jewish population of Palestine, but were commanded by British Officers.
In the 2008 KRRC Journal, Seargent Albert Tuthill wrote:
"At this time with other members of 1KRRC I volunteered for training under a Lt Col Cator from which were formed three units of ME Commandos (50, 51 and 52). At this early stage of the war everything was Top Secret. Unfortunately this seems to have carried on to the day as I have never seen any mention in papers or any stories written about us, I wonder if anyone else has?"
I am trying to correct this error, as the Middle East commandos formed a vital part of the war effort - defeating the Italians in the Horn of Africa, before going on to harry and cause severe damage to Rommel's forces, and across the Mediterranean.
I have tracked down two surviving members here in Israel, where I am currently based, and I am keen to track down more.
If anyone has any help or advice that would be most welcome. Please feel free to contact me at mat (dot) heywood (at) gmail (dot) com, and I will be happy to explain my project in greater detail.