I am the eldest daughter of the late John Daniell Powell R.V.M. and I would apreciate any information on how I can apply to join the RGJ march past group for next years Rememberance Day Service in London. Please contact me at amandapowell64@hotmail.co.uk
I would like to pay my respects and wear his medals with the utmost pride.
For future reference as to the Remembrance Parade at the Cenotaph.
If you Email Gary Driscoll, London Branch, I am sure he will assist you with all your questions and enquiries. If we can be of further help please let us know. Regards Mark DWM RGJRA
I usually get my tickets from Richard Frost secretary of the KRRC Assn but I am sure that if you contact either Gordon Pilcher or secretary of the London Branch (Gary Driscoll) you will get what you want.