Hello Bob Good to know you are all in tact after all these years, you mentiond Bushfield in your last messege i had a good look around there last reunion the frames of the buildings are still there but no wood left i have a photo of you trevor Anderson & ME in the sea in Cyprus what great days they were coming out of Islington and straight to sunny Cyprus i could'nt believe the heat i was only used to South End if i was lucky ha ha (poor bastard) i nearly always get to the reunions & the R.B. dinners be great to see you there
Hi ya mick yes all intact and still got all me facultys last time i looked ha ha. Now i am online i hope get in contact with some of the others, i got some pictures to download of winchester,cyprus,hong kong,borneo and celle.Do you know the date of the reunion at winchester this year mick? if so let me please mate all best bob
hi mick thanks for that, will what date the reunion at winchester? i thought it was the 1st weekend in july the 3rd but i thought i saw an email on here saying it was the 10th. off to portugal fri long wkend golf i hope the weathers better over there ha ha catch you later mate