H, my god you've surfaced after 24 years , great to hear from you mate, no i have not heard from Tim Dog, Nobby, or Jock brihnt from West Belfast 81-82, Fort whiterock 84, got some great photo's of us slim jim's when we were all young Rambo's
Locker head / Screaming Skull, i hav'nt heard that for a very long time i was pretty slim could do B.F.T in approx 11 minutes, nowadays would probably take me 11 hours
hello chig glad all that beer didnt affect yer memory,i dont think i did the bft very well then never mind now,id have to do it on my bike to get to the end these days,still for all that we had some laffs along the way,any news of mac mcgloglin from my old section,i am still a right fat bastard to this day strange as it may seem i live in the oloo now moved from london ten years ago,now i have sorted the site i will stay in contact and get my laptop repaired as i cant operate the letter after v no matter how hard i hit it cheers chig
H, Mate, where abouts are you hanging out these day's, get your self on facebook lots of old jackets on there. i have'nt heard from Mac for 25 years, sad really! one day he might turn up , you never know. Keep in touch!!!!!!!!!
hello chig could you send me any of the old snaps from when we were lean mean and green my e mail address is brian@icklecottage.plus.com i would be very grateful as i lost all mine when i split up with the former missus also when is the next reunion i would love to see all the old faces and find out how everyones doing cheers mate.
Big H, i'll be in Winchester on 9th July with a few of the old crew, i have'nt checked this board since before xmas, get your self on facebook lots of old FAT jackets popping up from the old days and lots of photo's u will be surprised, keep in touch mate, i'll be E mailing u, my no is 07855416827