I am searching for a RGJ Bugle to purchase as a present for a good mate of mine an ex 2RGJ soldier. I have known Mick Chandler for near on thirty years and the only thing he has ever mentioned that he would like is one of the above. If anyone could help please contact me on email adifferentangle@hotmail.co.uk
After 22 years service we were presented with one. Not to worry we paid for it over the years in subs. It is a bummer to keep the silver plate clean I am not sure how i can contact you?
would really help if you used a name other than anonymous - If you genuine, I take it the Bugle is still able to be played and it is full sized RGJ Bugle?
my contact details can be found via the webmaster or deputy webmaster - once it has been decided you genuine. Sorry to go on about being genuine - you would be surprised at the amount of windups that go on - nah you wouldn't really being ex RGJ!