I met a bloke in a pub in Anfield yesterday. His name was Brian, sorry forgotten his surname.
He said he was with you at Waminster in the 70's. He spoke very highly of you and would like you to get in touch. He has a hotel near Liverpool FC called Epstiens, perhaps thats his second name. The phone number is 0151-281-8696.
There is an entry on the RGJ site under the death notices reporting the death of LCpl 'Choggy' Colman some time last year, I was wandering if this is the same chap you are after - sorry Dan
There is an entry on the RGJ site under the death notices reporting the death of LCpl 'Choggy' Colman some time last year, I was wandering if this is the same chap you are after - sorry Dan
It is indeed a great shame to hear of the death of one of the best PTI's i have had the pleasure to meet with during my time. Choggy Coleman may have often been seen proping the bar up and ordering another rum and coke, but you could always ensure he would be there for the early morning boot runs from Pen barracks.