Hi its John Hennessy I was just wondering if anyone was in 2RGJ from around 1980-1990. Your name sounded familiar. Two people that would know me are Paul Stanton and Wez Ward. Many thanks
Hello joe Hows things with you,dont know if you remember me , i was in tanks in minden with you, are you on facebook there is a lot of old tanks on there. Montag
Hi John Your name sounds familiar but cant put a face to it, I did my training in winchester with Paul stanton, any idea of his whereabouts, are you on facebook, there is a 2rgj lads page, there may be a few faces on there you know. Montag.
hello monntag hope all is well recently come on this site,sad too see so many of the old yellow handbag gang gone to the last re org.still lots of the lads doing well in the posts ive read.regards to all the boys from minden and macrory park.njag
I'ts good to see all the old knacker's coming out of the woodwork!!!!!!! Joe you've got to get your self on facebook, their's more photo's of yourself than of any one else mate, you (Mexican Bandit) I remember yourself (John Hennessy+ Wez Ward) i was in Nertheravon with Wez he was in the next room to our's untill 1988, then i transfered to premament staff I.D.B for 2x years then left 2 R.G.J Dec 89
Well....."Hello", is that the John "Lionel Richie" Hennessey from "A" coy ??? And ringleader of the "Bullring" mafia (Birmingham). I heard a rumour, you was still in the Midlands area as a Paramedic ?