I have started a Googlegroup entitled 'The 43rd & 52nd Old Comrades' as a way of former members of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry keeping in touch.
If you served in the Regiment before it became a part of the Green Jackets, you would be welcome to join. If you just wish to be on the mailing list, send me an e-mail to royhbailey@btinternet.com and I will add your name.
If you wish to read the various files and documents that are being posted online, then register with Googlegroups and go to:
I look forward to hearing from more former colleagues.
PLEASE, my father served his time during National Service in the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.
I have unsuccessfully tried to obtain a copy (DVD or other format) of the Ceremonial Parade held at Osnabruck in October 1955 which I believe to have been filmed.
I would greatly appreciate if there is anyone who can give me ANY information or artifacts of this occassion which my father is very proud of.