Anyone know where Danny can be contacted ring me on 07788850814,we both served in 2RGJ though not at the same time. Danny,if you read this me and Colin want a trip to Estonia!!.
saw your message about Danny, how you doin. Last time I saw you was in the mess at 3fld, you were teaching REME Gunnery I was educating them in Green Job phillosophy.
get in touch it would be great to hear from you.
I'm living in Wales not far from the Beacons I just cant stay away.
Kid iam here in Estonia. at the moment bleakonia freezing as expected this time of year.
Of course you and Colin are most welcome. try Stanstead to Tallinn, not and a leg but best to travel without them! costs you a fortune for excess baggage on Easey jet.
i wonder if any of the heavey mobs comming on line( The Rifles) have an animal Mascot? like goat or something! if so i know some who could paint it RED,GREEN and BLACK and Place a six inch nail at its rear. Just heard about the Regt. gutted