How many times have you pansies got to be told? The answer is NO. You are supposed to be roughing it. Its the 25m range not the Ritz hotel.
If you want to go for a pony then bring a bucket.
If its a hit and a miss you want then use an old jerry can.
For next year I suggest you start planning a bit earlier and save some money up so you can afford a B&B and turn up with your shirts ironed.
Here's another suggestion. While you are at Winchester this year take a bit of time out to find a B&B for next year so you don't wander about the bar at 2300 half pissed boring everybody to death trying to scrounge a bed for the night.
You know the deal its the 25m range for f..s sake. What did you expect?
You people are not in the army any more and you have got to learn to stand on your own two feet. We can't hold your hands for the rest of your lives now GET ON WITH IT or don't bother coming.
Not all ex rifleman are lucky enough to have money to afford to stay in B&B but save what little they have and make the effort to attend the reunion as they fill they belong to the gratest regimental family in the world if you are saying that only those who can afford to attend then shame on you and maybe you should think about what family regimental you really belong to. The Royal Green Jackets welcome all who seved in it no matter if they are rich or poor...
I love the banter,
As we were all ex Jackets, been hard as nails in our time, Some been even harder when they are tanked up (yea right)
The Depot QM should issue 1 x poncho, 5 x bungies, then you can wander the local are to find some sticks for stakes.
And if anyone says "What do you want me to do with this lot" Don't bother coming as you were not a real Jacket.
You have lived in worse conditions. TRUST ME.
After it was all over and you had a hot shower, ripped your bowls apart to have that well saved up dump, gone to the NAAFI for a pie and loads of beer. The overall opinion was the EX was not that bad.
By now I hope those of you who spent your entire careers being led by the hand may have bothered to find some accommodation for yourselves. If not then you may have to miss this year's reunion.
But never mind.
If you start saving up £2 per week from now you will have saved enough for a B&B plus money for a pint and still be able to bunce in for petrol for your mate who you always cadge a lift off.