Is there any chance of improving access to some of the facilities up at Flowerdown camp? My wife is wheelchair bound and really enjoyed all the daytime display stands which she found easy enough to get to.
Some of the evening facilities were not as easy to get to, however, and access could be improved.
Particularly the assault course.
She got over most of the obstacles easily enough but was defeated by the 10 foot wall and had to take her webbing off after the first two attempts. A ramp would give a good run up.
Plus some lights at each obstacle so the ambulance could have found her.
I have had all the defaulters out this morning and we have planted two silver birch trees on the run up to the wall.
Hampshire Fire Brigade have supplied us with two large pieces of hose and a saftey seat, our intentions are to adapt two large detachable brackets to the seat, which can be connected quickly and with the help of a few volunteers she can be ejected over the wall and will hopefully hit the sand pit.
Never mind, we will use the ejector seat on some of the brown-nosers in the Barracks.
If your wife is coming next year, maybe we could place some old Carl Gustav Rounds we found in the Ammo store, and if she landed on one especially a phosporus filled one, we could throw some spuds at her wrapped in foil?
dear vic, i am happy to report that we now have an excellent choice of cross-country tyres, for your wifes wheelchair, on the assault course.(supplied & fitted). please see the m.t. for further details.
Thanks for all your help over my wife's wheelchair access but it won't be necessary as she miraculously got out of it and walked to church last Sunday.
Unfortunately when she got home she collapsed and died.