At the Reunion, I learnt that George Nash and Johnny Purkis (JP) were both quite ill.
I believe that neither of them are on Facebook, so I thought it might be a good idea to place the information on this board, so that those who might wish to, can leave a short message for both of them.
It almost goes without saying, that I sincerely hope both George and JP, get well soon, and that they and thier families, both have my best wishes.
I was really sorry to hear the News about George Nash and John Purkis. I wish them both the very best and hope they get over their illnesses and return to good health quickly! Swift & Bold
Spoke to Brian last night, he gave me a sitrep on both. My son Lee lives in Dover and often speaks to both George and his son. Will visit George next time in Dover which will be very soon. JP lives down the A49 from me in Hereford, although I do not have any other details will keep searching. I am not on facebook so if you do turn up JP details please send to
Spoke to George last week and informed him of all your comments and good wishes. He asked me to thank you all and to pass on his best regards. He is weathering the storm as far as his health is concerned.
I have been in touch with JP's daughter. She has passed on to JP all our best wishes and will keep me updated on how he is. (He has Parkinson's Disease and some periods of time are worse than others.) She said John is aiming to get to next years Reunion. Let's hope so.
Just been reading about George Nash, last time I remember George was at my 21st, he was trying to con on to my sister, never did find out what happened about that. Anyway, whoever sees or speaks to him again, pass on my regards and best wishes for his health, and of course to Johnny Purkis. Regards, Jim McCormick.
I have just been looking at a photo that was taken of the Sjts Mess with the queen and in the back row is yours truely Sjt G Nash it would be nice to see all the old faces again