I think Pat has been looking for John for over ten years - I last saw him in Antrim when he was seconded to the UDR - I gave her that info around 9 years ago - if he turns up, please give him my contact details too.
Hi, I've left message on site for "Patricia". From the details you've given about John living in Antrim and attached to UDR it is the right John Marchant that I know. Can get message to him if urgent but if he wants to be contacted by anyone else I'm sure the "Exocet" monitors this site anyway.
Thanks for the info, I think John values his privacy and I am glad to hear he is well and in good health. You might pass on to him that I got out of NI unscathed and that all was not as it may have seemed back then. I eventually went to Uni and ended up back in the military - remarried and finally came home about eight years ago. I am well, married to a fantastic woman who looks after injured servicemen. Give him my very best regards.
James by any chance did you know a John White married to a German girl from Deilinghofen. He was 3 RGJ was in Iserlohn prior to the Battalion moving to Celle.