The last time i heard from Pat walsh was about 6 years ago .He was working on oil rigs up in Norway somen3ykrwhere. He could have moved on. His mail add went dead and i deleted it.
RE: Looking for Pat walsh or any of the guys from "B" Company Hong Kong 1978-80
Thanks for the infor mate, if you ever catch up could you let him know I'm been looking for him. Any other guys you may come across scott, "B" Coy 1 RGJ would be helpful.
Thanks again for your help
RE: Looking for Pat walsh or any of the guys Hong Kong 1978-80
I joined C company 1RGJ at the back end of that tour (Nov 79). Great Days!! Love to catch up with Sam Last, Keith Egan, Rob Hughes, Gary Tingey.... all of 10 platoon really
Thanks mate tryed to look for him on facebook but no luck, if you come across him on your facebook send a message to him to go to my facebook at Dive-HQ Malaysia or goto my website at Thanks again for your help.
Hi Nick....Paul 'Harry' Harrison here! How r u? I was just looking through some old photo's of us lot on line, and found this site with your appeal!
My best mate was Terry Scott 'Scotty'.. Johnny Purkis was our SM b4 going on to be RSM. I was his driver just before he got his
if u would like to e-mail me? Please do so at:
I'm not sure? But I think I saw Pat doing his rounds as a Postie in London many years ago!!! May have got the name wrong but it was one of our guys!!! Did not have time to stop & chat with him as I was catching my coach to Heathrow.
Ok Nick, hope ur well? Take care, and look forward to hearing from u. Cheers, Harry. I'm Still a Member of the SDS
RE: Looking for Pat walsh or any of the guys Hong Kong 1978-80