Hi my grandad wregent argent major for the rgj in the 60's/70's does anyone remember him, his name is John McCarthy, originslly from Ireland now living in England NYC anyone remember him please get in touch.
Was he a training Sgt in the Depot around 1970? Originally KRRC? Black hair and thick black moustache? I think he was my training Sgt. I met him again in 1980 when he was a Seargeant Major in 2RGJ.
I Remember him and I am sure many who went through Royal Green Jackets Traing in Winchester will Remember him. I was in Traing in Winchester in the sumer of 1966, I was in his training platoon.
I Last met him in Brecon during the early 80's he was there with a training platoon.
I have a photo of the Training platoon I was in and he is in the photo I am sure he is in many photo's from his days as a training NCO in Winchester.
If you want a copy of the photo let me have an email address and i wilL send it to you.
I remember your granddad, how is the old bugger well I hope if I remember right he was c coy csm give him my best im now living in Victoria bc Canada :)