Our treasurer Scarf Jones (ex Ox and Bucks, Green Jackets and RGJ) is raising funds for a suitable memorial to commemorate the "Coup de Main" glider landings by the 2nd Battalion Ox's and Bucks on Pegasus Bridge 6th June 1944.
The memorial will be set in the Allied Special Forces Memorial Grove beside the railway viaduct, the River Tame and a quarry lake.
Already a semi-circle of Silver/Downey Birch and Wild Cherry trees are maturing since being planted in 2004. Scarf planted these.
Hopefully sufficient funds can be raised to implement this important memorial, prior to the 70th Anniversary in June 2014 when it would be good to dedicate it on June 6th.
The starter fund has £123 in it raised by Green Jackets in Oxford last year.
If you would like to help then please send a donation made payable to the Allied Special Forces Memorial Fund.
Please send to Scarf Jones, Allied Special Forces Association, P.O. Box 32, Hereford HR1 9DF
Hi Mick and Scarf. Interesting post. Hope you are both well. I visited Pegasus Bridge back in 2005 I was with an old family friend ex Marine who was on the Day Day landings. Then Sue and I visited on one of our caravan trips to Normandy in 2009. Hope the appeal for funds go well and I hope to meet up with you in Hereford soon. I will be in touch. Regards me old mate. From. Ray and Sue. Cardiff