We have all read these so called fake news stories, I just hope that this is one of them, else some bstrds need to taken to the slaughter house.
Money has been taken from the Libor fund ( set up in 2012 by George Osborne)and that the money would go to Armed Forces and Emergency Service charities. £973 million was the original sum placed into this account. It transpires that some of this money (£326 million over the last five years) has been transferred to other ministries as they were running out of money.
Help for Heroes only received£7.1 million.
Why do we continue to send our money abroad for other charities, when our own people are suffering.
As the old saying goes, charity begins at home, make our own country save then we can assist others.
Somebody needs to taken to account for this, especialy when some of our comrades are suffering.