Any ex members from 5 platoon B coy 2 RGJ FROM 1972/1976 it would be nice to establish old contacts again also members from 10 platoon trg coy 1972/1973.I would love to hear from old mates like Budgie Venables Keith Lee John Howard Stevie Wearing Steve Knight Frankie Toner and so on the list is endless I never got to reunions in the past but nowdays wished I had anyway leave a message and an email address or phone number I will endeavour to get back to you as soon as posible thanks very much lads
Hi Smudge trying to place you in 10 Pltn when we went to Battalion i went to 5 pltn so you sort of lost contact with trg coy mates how are you anyway do you seee many from the old days then i have bumped into a few ex Acoy guys who live here in Porstmouth where are you nowdays then and what you up to.It makes me laugh when i seee these guys whom we trained with writing books about there escapades in the SAS like John Howard i remeber him as a blond haired toyboy type a nice lad but never SAS marerial but then who is anyway drop us a line back and let me know if you are in contact with anyone else
Hi Steve I was in 5 plt b coy in Gibraltar,went into the stores for a while,back to the plt in minden,went to 6 plt for my last tour on N.I.,then mortar plt to finish in 83..
hi guys remember me served in gibralter under col Ian cordon Lloyd. tryin to contact old mates. fred atley phil nicholas, remember budgie venables tiny adams many more . get in touch email