Rfn M Kemp 2993
Hey up lads, i am acting on behalf of RFN M Kemp 2993 who served from 1974 to 1982, he would like to contact a old pals so if any of one remembers him and would like contact just E-Mail me and i will pass it on. jack5877@hotmail.com Copied from Main Board DWM
Jap5877 "1.W.F.R"
Looking for Dave Mann
Dave Mann was in 3RGJ in the early 1980s and was from the Sunderland area. A load of us on Facebook talk about people we wish we had kept in touch with and his name comes up a lot. Any ideas?
Richard Patey
Dec 17, 2011
by Richard Patey
Big Bird 3RGJ
hi to all
does anyone know big birds e-mail address . also ive been trying to locate bob norris , ex 5plt bcoy 3rd , can anyone help please,
all the very best .
crooky , care of white truck convoys sunny iraq
Dec 15, 2011
by Anonymous
Where are you now.
Johnny Peters, last seen in Munster, and Colin Dwyer, who left us shortly after getting married. Please contact me on parsonsonj@aol.com. Thanks.
Jeff Parsonson
Dec 9, 2011
by jim(paddy)sinclair
Thomas Love
Thanks to whoever helped me, I have left 2 messages for Tommy but received no reply. If anyone is in contact with him could you ask him to look at his facebook messages. Thanks
old mates
hello just wondering if old mates from 2plt acoy irgj might want to get intouch /tony bowen/ flapper bryant/and others from the battalion leo.john sigley. tony coombes. paul bailey. bob newman.pugsley luckhurst etc if you do get back to me at paulcocoa@hotmail.co.uk mouse
mouse kilbride
Dec 2, 2011
by nick "jedi" martin
Contact for Jeff Cornell
I would love to get in touch with my old school friend who joined the Green Jackets in the 80s. Any help would be seriously appreciated. Kind regards
Ali Wickham
Nov 29, 2011
by Ali Wickham
john bedells
Douglas (Spike) and I wondered where you are now? He is living in Ascot with wife and family and i am living in Chiswick. It would be great to get in touch. I just heard from Judy Sands who is arriving from Australia next month so we could all have a great get togther. my phone is 020 8995 2572 - Jill
jill and douglas morris
Nov 29, 2011
by jill and douglas morris
Looking for Glynn Holtham
i am looking for glynn holtham and his family his wife was sarah and had two children shaun and kerry ,kerry was a friend of mine and it is really her i am looking for please write back if you have any infomation -- Edited by ken ambrose on Thursday 24th of November 2011 05:55:19 PM
Nov 21, 2011
by Darren Ware
old friends
anyone that knew me in from boys service to 2 rgj lthough i do travel a lot and have kept in touch around the country , in particular tom fannan , tom amedee, scotty muir,
mouse who i think still lives in hull, anyone really i am now a housing officer for pembrokeshire county council south wales ,so take c...
alan cole
Nov 20, 2011
by Anonymous
Looking for Glynn (Punkie) Holtham
Does anyone know the where-abouts of an old friend Glynn (Punkie) Holtham. Formally of both the 2nd & 1st Bn. Lost touch with Glynn in 2000 although have heard he was involved in some extended service role abroard. If anyone knows his where-abouts, please let him know or pass...
Eric Jones
43rd & 52nd Old Comrades
I have started a Googlegroup entitled 'The 43rd & 52nd Old Comrades' as a way of former members of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry keeping in touch. If you served in the Regiment before it became a part of the Green Jackets, you would be welcome to join. If you just wish to be on th...
Roy Bailey
Son Requires Information on RSM Ed Lilley Ex 3/4RGJ
Ed Lilley : Looking for the 'old man' if he is still alive and kicking ! Im the son of RSM Ed Lilley (3RGJ & 4RGJ) 1974-77 and have been unable to locate him, if anyone having served with my father has any information, old pictures etc then I would be grateful to hear from you. Ed Lillley (little) Moved f...
Ed Lilley
Oct 27, 2011
by robertlamberth007@btinternet.c
trying to contact Steve Diffey
I lost touch with Steve when I left 2nd Battalion in 1985 so if anybody has a contact address or email
David Riley
Oct 26, 2011
by Anonymous
Trying to find Jason Bryce/Bright ?
Trying to Find Jason Bryce .. can't really remember much about him , he was in the Royal Green jackets Association from 1989- 1992 , he would be around 41 now , he use to live in a place called Alrelshot , and if I remember correctly the name of the barracks he was in was Bushfield Army camp , Worthy down b...
Oct 23, 2011
by Anonymous
thomas love
does anyone have any info on a Thomas Love who servrd around 1969/70. All I know is that he had a sister called Myra,came from glasgow.Any info would b gud !
Oct 20, 2011
by Anonymous
Looking for a former and Green Jacket and his German Wife from Deilinghofen Her maiden name was Utta Stimpf. He was G.J.
Ross Campbell elfross@shaw.ca
Late Bother David Griffiths
Paul Griffiths is searching for a photograph of his brother Rfn David Griffiths, who served with B Company, 3rd Battalion, The Royal Green Jackets until his death in Belfast in 1972. Born in 1952 and had served for 16 months. Contact Paul by email paulgriffiths_423@yahoo.co.uk
Paul Griffiths
How do you donate money to the Rifles charities.
Could someone explain how, to donate money to the Rifles Charities.We are raising money for different charities .Do you pay into the Royal Green Jacket Association, to be paid into the Rifles Charities.A bit confused as the Rifles have been linked to Devon and Dorset Association,The Gloucesters a...
Mick Tracy
An executor of a will of someone who died a short time ago is trying to find a Mick Tracy. Believed to have been a career soldier with the Royal Green Jackets or The Royal Anglians and spent much of his service in Germany. On demob from the Army he became the manager of 204 Signal Sqn, 4 Armoured Brigade Garr...
Tony C
Oct 12, 2011
by Anonymous
Info requested on CSjt John Marchant 1RGJ
Seamus P Lyons Anyone know the whereabouts of CSjt John Marchant 1 RGJ? Enquiring on behalf of his sister Patricia. Reposted from main board
Seamus P Lyons
Oct 12, 2011
by Ross Campbell
Big evvo
anybody remember Paul Evans,ex 3rd and 1st,1965,74? He hasnt got a computer but he would be made up to hear from anyone who knew him. contact me at kkpardoe@gmail.com for his contact details
keith pardoe
Oct 11, 2011
by keith pardoe
Trying To Find
Anybody know the wereabouts of Paul Terry,Steve Hitch****,Sam Last ,John Moore.1RGJ 80/87,10plt c'coy/Anti-tanks.
Andy Beech
Beating/Sounding Retreat 1997
I am desperately trying to find a copy of the Beating/Sounding Retreat 1997 on either DVD or VHS for my dad who is ex-Green Jacket. I have the music CD of this already, but apparently there is a DVD/video as well. I have heard it referred to as both Beating and Sounding Retreat, so I am not exactly sure whi...
Christine Bedborough
Peter Charles Waters, RGJ??
Does anyone know a former Green Jacket by the the name of Peter Charles Walters who served between 1980 and 1988? Any information to 07706104339 or ken.ambrose1@btinternet.com
ken ambrose
Sep 27, 2011
by Anonymous
service records 1939 t0 1945
I need some help to find my fathers service records ,he served with The Royal Green Jackets, 1939 to 1945. Does any one know where the records are kept and how to access them? thanks for any help recieved. m wright
m wright
Contact Requested with Rfn SJ Tarry
I am trying to locate Ex Rfn SJ Tarry who seemingly was stationed in Bulford in the recent past, and possibly before the 2007 merger into the Rifles. He is not on the main RGJ database. He might however be a member of one of your local branches. Nothing sinister just a bit of his personal property that has b...
ken ambrose
McFlabb ,.here is my E.mail details if thats okay detainee56@aol.com
Sep 21, 2011
by Anonymous
Calais 1940
My Pa, Dr AGT ( Geoff ) Brown ran a casualty station near the hotelde ville in Calais with the BEF in 1940. He was in the RAMC. I just turned up a note from Tom Buck about his capture near calasi and that no-one was evacuated. I am trying to make contact with Tom if he was there or rmebers one who was. Pa was on...
chris brown
Sep 12, 2011
by chris brown
my grandad
I am looking for any information on Dennis Edward Porter who joined the Motor Battalion in the early 1940s aged about 17yrs. he trained in Winchester with the rifle brigade. Any info will be greatly recieved Miss R Davis